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The Warrior
Player ID: 111191
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4035
Energetic immunity : 13962
Trade sense : -699
Briskness : -711
Initiative : 2501
Defence : -476
Attack : 9234
Power : 1304
Luck : 331
Woodcutting : 31
Waterhandling : 0
Herbalism : 0
Filtering : 0
Finesse : 2
Gardening : 0
Volition : 83
Cartography : 16
Mining : 5
*excavation : 0
Principle of Enthropy = 256
Principle of Cyclicity = 342
Principle of Balance = 684
Principle of Imagination = 659
Principle of Light = 994
Observes the sky and is able to decide how clear it is, regardless of what others can actually see with their own eyes
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1924 | Lost: 2037
Honor: 2348
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Comments on Self

Physical Profile

Height: 6'7''
Build: Reasonably Toned
Skin Colour: Tanned
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Orange
RP Ability(s): Temporary shape-shift to Sludge-Form

About Me

My aims:

  • To be hounorable
  • To win battles
  • Not to die(Obviously)
  • To upgrade my creatures to the max.
  • To play by the rules
  • To forgive and forget
  • And be the best I know I can be.


I am not a warrior.
I am The Warrior.

This is my story, starting for the last thing I remember...

Pain. Desperate pain. Utter Destuction. Nothing. No light, no dark, no colour, no time, no senses, no mind, no being, nothing. And then a voice. I could hear a voice. I could hear. I had senses! But still I saw nothing. I had to be a being - so there was a being, me. And I had a mind to work that out. All of that passed, so therefore there must be time. So there was time. I must be able to see something otherwise I'd be going mad with my mind unable to comprehend utter nothing. So I saw something. Light, darkness and colours swam into my vision.

I remembered. I had escaped from deep inside my own mind; hidden from my own knowledge. I had been possesed by the same thing that had caused me all that pain. It had used me to cause great destruction. My world was gone. I was floating between gigantic orbs of rock, ice, water, air, and fire... and nothing. I hate nothing. I ran. Floated away from that huge orb of nothing.

I was still floating and had been for a very long time, I don't know exactly how long for I nothing to measure time. Then before me was a burst of light. Death was what I thought it was. I was floating directly for it. I looked into it. A window is how I'd describe it. I looked down into a colourless realm. I fell.

That is how I came to MagicDuel. I then fashioned myself a new name. I have learned some of the skills the possessive being has left me with. My primary aim is to destroy that being.

My Wishes

  • To be an RPC or at least PWR.
  • To be able to create Quests and bestow awards.
  • The ability to prevent someone from being able to attack
  • To own a Drachorn
  • To have access to all lands
Some of my creatures
Angien Sentinel II Master of Puppets Unholy Pope Hollow Warrior Water Daimon III Rustgold Madhorn Elemental V Aramor Assassin Chaos Archer Revolted Skill Vampire Knator War Master

MD 8th Birthday Quest: I've lost my marbles!


I was walking through the accessible lands the other day, just meandering about, trying to find something to do, when I turned back on myself and saw a marble glistening on the path. The marble looked very much like one of my own, so I put it in my pocket with all my others, only to find it fall straight through and roll away somewhere. I have lost all my marbles, I can't even remember how many there were.

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Please could you help me by "Search"-ing for my marbles around MD.

The Warrior

Forum Link

I'm starting to remember things. I once left a record of the number of marbles I have in a hut. Once you think you've done try searching there.

Page 199 - The Shade Ballance - yrt., Wod.
After the recent dispute finally comes to an end, Yrthilian receives the detailed documents concerning Wodin's summoning and immediately begins preparations to have him summoned back to our realm once again. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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